
Awesome github-stars-image code style: prettier

βœ”οΈ Website Testing Tools & Audits

Resource of web-based testing tools


πŸ’» General & Multipurpose

Browser extension that tests for SEO, speed and security best practices. Crawls your site checking multiple pages at once.

Markup Validation

Performance, SEO, Social, Links, Popularity

Auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for Progressive Web Apps (Chrome Devtools and Chrome extension)

Accessibility, security, interoperability and more

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πŸ“ Design & Layout

Responsive Layout

Cross Browser Testing

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⚑ Performance

Google PageSpeed Insights


Pingdom Website Speed Test

Google’s Test Your Mobile Speed

GTMetrix PageSpeed Score

DebugBear Website Speed Test

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πŸ” Security

SSL Server Test

Content Security Policy (CSP) Validator

HSTS Preload

Security Headers

Test SSL, security headers and more

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πŸ™‚ Social Media Tags and Schema Markup

OpenGraph (Facebook Login required)

Twitter Cards (Twitter Login required)

Google Rich Results Test

Pinterest Rich Pins Validator

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πŸ“± Mobile Friendliness

Bing Webmaster Mobile Friendliness Test Tool

Google Mobile Friendly Test Tool

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Dead Link Checker

Broken Link Checker

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To the extent possible under law, Christian Oliff has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.